It took a long time from submission to press for the editors of Connections, Year B: Season After Pentecost (the 3rd set of 3 volumes of Westminster Press’s Connections: A Lectionary Commentary for Preaching and Worship), but it is finally in print and available for clergy who preach from the lectionary. 

I wrote the commentary for Proper 11 on Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 (Jesus’ compassion for people like “sheep without a shepherd”), for Proper 12 on John 6:1-21 (feeding of the 5000), and for Proper 13 on John 6:24-35 (believing as the work of God). I actually teach a Gospel of Mark class and in the past have taught the Gospel of John, so studying these texts again and exegeting them for the commentary was a real joy for me. I love Paul but reading through the gospels is something I definitely want to return to as a point of academic research as well. 

In any case, here are some sample screen-shots of my contributions from their posted preview of the commentary on Amazon. Kudos to the editors! This was an enormous project to organize not just for the volume to which I contributed but all 3 sets of 3 for Years A, B, and C. I would definitely recommend the volumes for clergy preaching through the lectionary. Peace!