I’m no longer on the steering committee for the Intertextuality in the New Testament section but as a wrap-up of my final duties, I’m co-editing with BJ Oropeza a volume of essays from past papers and newly commissioned ones. This is the 2nd volume of an ongoing series for the section. As we did for the first volume (Exploring Intertextuality; 2016), we are holding a panel review of the book at the annual 2021 Society of Biblical Literature meeting in San Antonio, day and session time TBD. Practicing Intertextuality will debut at the Wipf and Stock book exhibit at SBL-AAR 2021.
The panel review focuses on the relationship between author and audience reading competency. It examines the kind of interactions that take place not only between the author and the text but the author and the readers. We have some “heavy-hitters” in New Testament scholarship reviewing select essays and some great contributions to the volume.
Hope to see you there! The session schedule is below:
Intertextuality in the New Testament
Theme: Book Review of Practicing Intertextuality: Ancient Jewish and Greco-Roman Exegetical Techniques in the New Testament
Reviewers will give a 20min paper to a particular chapter in Practicing Intertextuality and speak first, followed by a response from the author.
Presider: David Moffitt, University of St. Andrews
Introduction (5 min): Max J. Lee and B.J. Oropeza (editors) on types of interactions between author, audience, and ancient texts
Sean Adams, University of Glasgow (20 min): Review of Intertextuality in Pompeian Plaster (on Ancient Audience Literacy)
Lidija Novakivic, Baylor University (20 min): Review of Sorting out Quotations, Allusions, and Echoes (on Defining and Detecting an Ancient Author’s Intertextual Techniques)
Josh Jipp, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (20 min): Review of Scriptural Allusion and Bodily Age in Luke 1-2 (an example of intertextual interactions with Jewish traditions)
Respondent: author Julie Newberry, Wheaton College (10min)
Lynn Cohick, Northern Seminary (20 min): Review of Negotiating Piety (an example of intertextual interactions with Greco-Roman traditions)
Respondent: the author Max Lee, North Park Theological Seminary (10min)
Panel Discussion and Q&A (25 min)
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