Photoshopped image at the Mohr Siebeck book table

As many of you know a week ago would have been the Society of Biblical Literature annual meeting in Boston. In a pandemic year, the conference understandably turned virtual (which is coming up this Nov 30-Dec 10). But for 15+yrs I have waited for the opportunity to walk over to the Mohr Siebeck book exhibit and take a photo with my monograph Moral Transformation in Greco-Roman Philosophy of Mind in hand. I refuse to be denied this important memorial stone. So here is my virtual #SBLAAR20 photoshoot celebrating #MTiGRPoM‘s debut this year. I only wish I could have grabbed my supervisors and mentors Judy Gundry, Seyoon Kim plus many colleagues and friends to take the photo with me. Still, what an answer to prayer that it was published! Praise the Lord! He is good!