My YouTube channel where I post all my instructional videos It’s been a whirl-wind couple of weeks culminating at SBL-AAR 2018, enjoying Thanksgiving, and getting back to work on grading and teaching. I wish I…
greek language
New Blog Series on Teaching Greek Online
This past summer, I received a teaching grant from the Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning Theology and Religion to design and implement an online course for 1st year Biblical Greek. Over the span of 3…
Highlights from the Pauline Epistles Session (Nov 21)
My flight back home is delayed, so while I’m waiting at the airport, I’m thinking the best use of my time is to do a quick post on SBL-AAR 2015. I won’t be posting on…
Top Picks for SBL-AAR 2015 in Atlanta (Pt 1)
SBL–AAR in Atlanta for 2015 What happened to the time? The Society of Biblical Literature and American Academy of Religion annual meeting held in Atlanta this November 21-24, 2015 is only 2 weeks way… argh!…
Koiné Greek Music Videos
Theater Mask (ca. 2nd century BC; Athens Museum) Photo taken by Max Lee © 2014 It is probably the most miserable time of the semester for me. I just finished giving my last set of final…
(Re)defining Righteousness Language
Right before the Thanksgiving holiday, I attended the Society of Biblical Literature meeting held in Baltimore. I gave a paper for the Biblical Lexicography section entitled: “Greek Words and Roman Meanings: (Re)mapping Righteousness Language in Greco-Roman…