Good news! My son received a letter of acceptance from Cornell University and will be heading to Ithaca, New York, as a freshman come Fall 2016 as part of Cornell’s class of 2020. He also received the Posse scholarship which generally pays for his tuition for the next four years. Needless to say, I and the Mrs. are very proud of him. Way to go Zach!

The awards ceremony was this early part of January, but I simply held off on announcing the good news until we all heard from Zach’s friends and what schools they received acceptance. In case you’re not a parent with a senior in high school, April 1st (no it’s not a joke) is the day when most universities inform students of their admission. 
   I’ve included a photo of us celebrating the receipt of his scholarship at Posse (so it was not a dream!). I’m very grateful for the Lord’s provision and encouraged by Zach’s hard work. He also has his own literary blog entitled Montag’s Musings (check it out!). 
   There is also the added bonus that Cornell University has a first class philosophy department in the same building as the English Department which houses the creative writing major that Zach is interested in. So when I do get a chance to visit Zach on campus, I just might mozy on down to Goldwin Smith Hall and see if I could connect with professors Tad Brennan and Gail Fine whose works on the Stoics and Platonism I have read and appreciated. 
    If I have any regret, a part of me wishes he could have gone to Cal Berkeley like Su and I did way back when, but at least he’s still a bear, though a red one!

Photo Credit: Thanks to my younger son Jonathan for taking this pic