Johnny Lin, Senior Lecturer & Director of Undergraduate Computing Educationat the Univ of Washington (right) with respondent Linda Eastwood, AffiliateFaculty at McCormick Theological Seminary (left) with questions moderatedby Jay Phelan, Senior Professor of Theological Studies…
liberal arts
Science & Religion: Papers from the 2016 Symposium on the Theological Reading of Scripture at North Park (Part 1)
Gerald Cleaver, Prof. of Physics at Baylor University (right) with respondentStephen Ray, Asst. Prof. of Physics at North Park (left) responding toquestions moderated by Hauna Ondrey, Asst. Prof. of Church History (center) This past Thursday…
At Least He’s Still a Bear
Good news! My son received a letter of acceptance from Cornell University and will be heading to Ithaca, New York, as a freshman come Fall 2016 as part of Cornell’s class of 2020. He also received the…
On the Road at Cornell University
I don’t mean to stay away from blogging but I’m in New York right now, putting on my father’s cap, supporting my oldest son as he explores the Cornell University campus. It’s a very nice…
Movie Review: Apostle Paul – A Polite Bribe by Robert Orlando
I’m glad that I can get back to blogging. I was taken aback by how busy the 1st week of the Spring 2015 term was and missed already my aim to post regularly at least…