Today I had the privilege to interview Klyne Snodgrass, the Paul W. Brandel Professor of New Testament Studies, on the 3rd floor of Nyvall Hall, in an office he has occupied for four decades, where…
A Festschrift for Klyne Snodgrass Honoring 40 Years of ‘Doing Theology for the Church’
It’s been a while since my last post (and many apologies for the delay!) but as soon as I got back from SBL-San Diego, I ran into the notorious 100-yard dash to final exams: wrapping…
Back from SBL-AAR 2014
It’s been a week since the Society of Biblical Literature and American Academy of Religion conference in San Diego. I went to some very informative, some inspiring, sessions. I also caught up with many colleagues…
Preview of Fire in My Soul: Essays in Honor of Seyoon Kim
At the request of Wipf & Stock, I am dedicating a post on the newly published Festschrift entitled: Fire in My Soul: Essays on Pauline Soteriology and the Gospels in Honor of Seyoon Kim. Here…
Festschrift for Seyoon Kim Is Now in Print!
Guess what came in the mail today? After a year of planning, writing, editing, proofing, and indexing, finally the Festshrift in honor of Dr. Seyoon Kim, Fire in My Soul, is not only in print,…
Proof that the Life of a Scholar Is in the Mundane Details
Well, in case anyone is wondering why I have not posted a follow up yet on idol food at Corinth, here is the reason why: I just received the proof’s for the Seyoon Kim Festschrift….
Festschrift garnering international attention…
It turns out that I’m not the only one who posted about the Festschrift for Professor Seyoon Kim on his (or her?) blog. Someone who attended the presentation at the Baltimore SBL took the flyer…